Saturday, 30 April 2011

So Whats Next at Green Shoots?

 So what’s new on the horizon for Green Shoots and what’s next?
The banks clearly have no real intention of lending to our needy sme small businesses, so essential to kick start the economy, so my thoughts are turning to micro finance solutions and more creative practical ways to create new products to help people with the simple practicals starting from £50 outlay to build a home based business from a computer turning kitchen waste paper into cash
I have used and road tested the idea to supplement my falling income from my Mortgage Brokerage and will make available for Launch in May my first Green Shoots Product
How to make money from the kitchen Rubbish Bin Launched in May 2011 for only £9.97
This will be cheaper than a Marks and Spencer’s home meal for 2 and will help the single Mum the unemployed the Student the Professional struggling to make his monthly payments, the self employed, a multitude of people for who the simple answer is increase their monthly income but not at the expense of their freedom or time with family or need for complex costly retraining. Realistically within 3 months for few hours a week will be making hundreds extra per week
Using this technique I have my first clients in China from my kitchen table
So for further details ideas why not e mail me

or read on my blog site
If you live outside Surrey and want practical help advice concerning any of the above then  e mail me and I  will put you in the right direction, if you would like a free personal consultation then an appointment can be made for you to be seen in Dorking
If you are a suitable professional who can help or would like to discuss any ideas please also get in touch at
Positive friendly helpful suggestions welcome

From Baroness Vadera to present Day Whats Changed?

What a famous phrase, declared to be in sight by a Government minister Baroness Vadera

Who said that she could see

 A few "green shoots" of economic recovery.
Since then it seems everyone is searching for them except for a few bankers whose increasing bonuses and salaries have convinced them they will no longer need to seek them. But for the rest of us a glimpse of an upturn in our economy would be a real sense of relief.
So what will be the signs for you?
Apart from the sprouting early summer shoots in your private garden or window Box? How will you know you are experiencing the sight in your life of a few sprouting green shoots? Especially if you have lost your job, can’t pay your mortgage, fallen in to arrears, or lost your business.
Take heart if you are in that situation this blog is actually about to be a spring board to get real help.
For the past few months well over 18 months to be precise I have succeeded in adopting a hand holding approach with the help of relevant professionals in my local area to assist individuals people and small SME Businesses to a point where they can see light at the end of the tunnel, re structured their businesses, stopped the bailiffs evicting them from their homes kept their cars for work and given them back a sense of proper worth, self respect and dignity.
The next step, plan is that in Dorking where I set this in motion we are about to embark on a small group meeting of some affected individuals, at their choice and discretion to share encourage and help others who are going through, have been through or are in the same Hell, so as to encourage a self help type programme and possible mentoring relationship with each other. The Mentoring idea not new not rocket science simple and effective. One Surrey familiy linked with another where both famlies go to bed at night with Suspended Posession orders over their homes to contend with. Perhaps their first conversations with each other is about how to deal with being awake half the night or dealing with sickness from worry.
In my opinion this has encouraged people to look at picking themselves up taking responsibility facing up to their situation and moving forward on a more goal orientated and structured basis.
Whats clear and evident is that the people I  have personally been helping come from  all age groups, professions, walks of life and often just need someone, who will be with them through the whole process. This has been tested  in full as I  have personally now  attended court for many of them personally , as a Mackenzie Friend, when solicitor help, was either un available  or cost prohibitive. The results were often positive. We were able to delay legal proceedings; repossession dates to enable time to put plans in place seek alternative arrangements again building hope, a way out and restoring the persons self respect and dignity

So what is the Green Shoots Concept all about?
Well as a trained professional from the Finance Industry with over 25 years experience I am convinced we can as a Country do more to help those in this unfortunate situation and we can make a real difference in these people’s lives. With personal debt levels at over £1.4 Trillion its strikes me there are a lot of people, who frankly need this help some so far into denial they don’t realise it yet?
 So my principle is to offer support to walk as far as we can with them, share their load and show them how to fish or refish rather than throwing them a fish as to often to me the current  Business solutions on offer, are nothing more than sticking plaster used for a gaping wound.
So what is that we do that makes us at Green Shoots so different?
We are more flexible I don’t just come to the table from Finance or Recovery but both and with strong Christian applied principles, we can move quickly in different directions, between the two
This gives people what they want and need first a chance to off load with sufficient time to be listened to,  that’s  before any  practical plans solutions, or  consultations with  professionals  is on offer and a chance to way up all  the options.
 If there are none as it’s too late or very desperate then a helping hand to realisation of the options prayer and support. Question does it work?
 I should say so, just ask like the lady losing her car with only prayer left £10,000 turned up rather unexpectedly and saved her car paid off all the finance and bailiff charges, quite a result.
Then logically we apply the            3 Rs approach
·         Restructure
·         Refinance or
·         Recovery