Tuesday 21 February 2012

How to get back your income when you have lost your job ?

How to get an income if you have just lost your Job?

I am going to explain to you  how, you can  recreate, replace  your income when you have lost your job with a little logical helpful  system.

  I  shall call workit.or workatit   if you prefer, until i can think of a better name you call it what you want the important thing is   it must work for you..

Lets suppose you have just lost your job, maybe today. You have  been made redundant,  laid off or reduced hours. Whichever all will lead to one main result a major loss of income. So many people  I  know are facing this dilemma right now and as you read this i am sure you will know of friends, family neighbours or even work colleagues to whom this will apply. In fact this evening as I write this i am sure that many thousands are facing these problems or will be about too in the coming days. How can we know this because in the country there are over 2.7 million unemployed and its rising daily towards the magic 3 million number, although there is nothing magical in having 3 million unemployed in your country.

Now, what  I am going to suggest to you is not expensive, difficult or hard, it takes little time little effort and next to no money. The benefits could be enormous get you moving quickly. allow you to transfer from one Industry to the other and regain your self  respect self reliance and most of all start to solve your income problems.

You see this recession, is closing down whole industries,  not so help full if you have been doing the same thing for 20 years. A little bit different if you are a school leaver with no experience of work but what I am going to explain will work for both and all situations, so lets begin.

Find a corner of your House, or a  quiet coffee bar, a library, somewhere you can sit comfortably with a blank sheet of paper pencil and begin to draw a circle. In that circle draw a stick man or lady that represents you.
Now using basic mind mapping write down around the edge every skill and experience you have that could be useful for a potential employer.Think of everything that pops into your head go back over previous roles  projects part time work. Look in your minds eye how your family friends and those close to you see you and tell you what you do well explore for  a few moments close your eyes relax. Breath in four times deep breath hold and release slowly  it will relax you stimulate your brain with oxygen and widen your thinking.

Around the edge list outside every skill and experience that could be transferred to another job or industry. Keep going for 10 to 15 minutes get creative. It doesn't matter if you have an up to date CV just keep writing as the answers and ideas come into your mind. Keep going make a separate list on a separate sheet of paper if you need to. Writing it down will focus you mind on producing more and more skills and valuable experiences that you have to offer the world and you will start to begin to see that you are an invaluable human being a unique highly skilled high prized with a wealth of experience. If you are a school leaver or student entering the work place for the first time you may not have experience but you do have skills talents and interests and you have enthusiasm and if you are a student or a schooleaver develop massive enthusiasm even if everyone around you tells you its bleak out there,  because you will shine out like a light. It will carry you for miles you will look different and you will be very different and you will get noticed and lack of experience wont matter. If you have experience do the same develop massive enthusiasm.

Now you have your sheet nicely mind mapped simply with ideas skills talents interests potential you can offer an employer. So what next...

If you have a CV, look closely have you outlined clearly your unique selling points about your skills talents experience or enthusiasm , or do you need to modify it. Maybe you discuss this with relative friend or local recruitment centre.

If you haven't a CV perhaps you could start to construct one and approach the same people at first for help here.

Reach into your Library for a free copy of your local paper if you have money buy a local copy of your local  paper get the one that is paid for usually around 60p and look in the jobs page. Look at everything consider how you might fit in even if its a different industry, it might give you a fresh start anew perspective it might lead somewhere new, exciting different. Don't worry about the money just think CV or application


  • CV
  • Application Form
  • Job Interview
You see in most cases you are trying at every level, to achieve one thing only  at  this stage the Interview.

I come from the Sales World and one piece of very important advice i was given as a young Salesman  is you cant sell down the phone, you need to be face to face.That is true of the interview also.so focus on the objective get the interview then sell the usp (unique selling point) that is you your uniqueness skills set, talents interest experience and not least your enthusiasm.

When you achieve your interview/interviews, because you have been laid off lost a weeks work and the first interview is only giving you part time money 2 days a week and you used to work 5 go along go and enjoy the experience to gain the experience by practice.

By that I  mean develop style, confidence, a great interview technique and self esteem. That's what you will gain even if you fail at interview 1 or 2 you are gaining valuable and insightful experience, interview  techniques and  the next will be easier. and confidence to go for the next one, and so on.

  • Interview Plus Interview = Experience
  • Gains Self Esteem
  • Gains Confidence
  • Moves towards your next goals

Interviews give you the opportunity to look at a new potential employer a chance opportunity to tell them what you can do for them. Remember each employer has a potential problem a role to fill advise explain show and motivate your new potential employer as to why you. Why do you fit the role. Be honest upfront and explain why your skills and ability or interest and enthusiasm will  give the person/s across the table the solutions they are looking for then talk money

At the Interview

  • Sell your uniqueness to the employer 
  • Focus on how you can solve his/her/their problems
  • Be honest and demonstrate where you other industry skill could benefit them

Now if you are successful go to the job even if its lower, or low paid and offer one invaluable simple principle give 110 % effort

Go the extra mile

  • Deliver more than the role calls for
  • Get noticed, make your light stand out 
  • Be different to those around you, be more enthusiastic
  • Work at it like it was your last job

Well done.

  You have trained your brain to think differently you have developed an action plan not to be out of work you are trying new things, you are gaining insightful experience you will obtain your reward and you are learning to sell transferable skills.  You will get noticed promoted quicker develop new areas skills interests move out of your comfort zone and you will progress again. It might be slower at first but you might have two or three part time jobs to replace one/ You will have variety and  choices and new experiences and enjoy the rich tapestry of life meet new people and  ultimately your life will be more enriched rewarding than claiming the basic job seeker benefits which whilst they help feed and pay for the road to a new job will not provide the above or that new start and who knows very soon an increased income.

copyright       paulstacey@feb2012

Please feel free to comment. 

If you would like help or advice then please call or get in touch with me, if i cant help you i will point you in the right direction so 

So Call Today

Call Paul Stacey     The Green Shoots of Recovery
  Tel 01306 881399
e mail paulstacey88@gmail.com 
Txt to mobile or call 07710-854040

If you have a friend in need direct them to this site
or go to 

Especially if you need to make another £200  pcm to get you going quickly.

If you are in debt or worried or in debt distress get in touch i work with all situations to help  read my bloggs on cases we  have helped with..

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