Success Stories in Action

The Mentoring Idea

This page will be devoted to the success no matter how small, of famllies, individuals and small businesses being helped on the Road to Economic and Financial Recovery.

Until they are saftely through the mire so to speak I will obviously not release any personal details, also because of respect for them , their situation and confidetiality and Data Protection.

Although I am beginning a mentoring programme to put families facing the same financial prediciments as each other in touch with each other where both parties are willing to talk and discuss their personal situations as these make the best Mentors in Life.

This Page therefore will serve to help and re enforce the need to seek Recovery in Action and to give hope that there is real and genuine help out there today.

My operation is based in Surrey Dorking but if you are outside this area and still need help please do get in touch with me today.

Paul Stacey
The Green Shoots of Recovery
Tel 01306 881399
Mobile 07710-854040

The Seven Day Success of Stopping an Eviction of a Family in Leafy Surrey.

Please refer to the Blog Post detailing the 7 day story of the Familiy facing Eviction.
In summary

Last last Week I was asked to assist with a family facing eviction for Mortgage Arrears, Today the Eviction Warrant was lifted in Court. I only met them last week and had to pick up all the peices.
Mr the client and myself devoted the 110% Focus on problem and solution, over 1 week in short we suceeded thats all that counts when you face loosing your home and facing real Financial Difficulty.

To read about the story and how we did it please read about the story of the Surrey Family losing their home ...