What is The Idea of The Green Shoots of Recovery


Where Did the idea Come from?
The idea came to me when watching News at Ten one evening thinking about the money I owed as a result of my collapsed mortgage company due to the credit crunch, when Baroness Vadera was reported to have uttered those magic words about being able to see the green shoots of recovery referring to Britain’s Economic recovery.
I knew from my own experience and the limited cases I was involved with, of people in financial distress I was assisting professionally, this wasn’t the same way, a great number of the British Public felt. So I  decided to try to turn the Green Shoots of Recovery into a concept for helping people to come together not feel isolated alone and that in and over time there would be a place to seek and obtain help. Predominantly being Surrey based they would begin from my own neighbourhood.
Why are we different to other Debt Management Advice Providers

I have two main ingredients to offer empathy as I know, from personal experience what it is to be in debt and also professional experience as a licensed Debt Counsellor and adviser through my own Financial Services Company I have over 25 years experience in Financial Services to offer and over 10 years in Debt Recovery having worked with professionals, dealing with Corporate and individual Recovery cases.
However, I wanted to go a step further that was to be available to these people beyond just a professional, but as a friend and that meant standing with them speaking for them if needs be offering at the very least moral support, but also  possible solutions where a professional couldn’t be found quick enough or paid for like a solicitor for the court appearances. Then in addition, I wanted to be a able to offer perhaps at first Micro Solutions in the form of new Creative Business ideas and simple strategies to regain control of the situation. So I have developed my 3Rs approach



Right Track

This is designed to empower the individual with simple actions to establish a plan, face up to responsibilities and finally agree and establish a way forward no matter how difficult the circumstances.
Using this approach now on a number of cases we are different as a business and concept because we combine professionalism with a friendly and approachable means to empower and enable the individual to regain self respect and control over their affairs as soon as possible
What Debt Recovery Repair Solutions do we offer?

All the recovery tools such as Ivas Debt Management plans Bankruptcy options are considered and where appropriate used under professional guidance but we go much further and beyond these to micro manage ways to adapt and build in flexibility to increase income streams to mitigate debts.

How do we finance such an  operation?
So how do I fund such an operation well quite simple i elect to help people and where possible receive fee payments from professionals who set up the necessary recovery tools. I have to charge fees to clients where there are assets to break up or resolve and i allow plans and times for payment so as not to compound the financial distress. My operating costs are kept at a very low level and so I can adapt and change quickly to be flexible and effective for my individual clients.

Whats next and different with this flexible growing concept?
The next step we are now beginning with Green shoots is the mentoring approach of getting somebody whom I  have or are helping if they are willing, to assist another as a moral support encouragement tool, to the individual family but not in the  capacity of assisting with specific Financial or debt advice that is always handled through me or one of my professional partners.

So if you need a free consultation chat wherever you live about your individual circumstances then please call me
Paul Stacey 
Tel 01306 881399 Mobile 07710-854040
 e mail paulstacey@finance-solutions.freeserve.co.uk

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Or paulstacey88@gmail.com