Sunday 9 December 2012

How to Get Out of Debt

How do you get out of Debt
How do you actually begin to get out of debt, to begin face up to the debt. Debt is split into two categories sometimes referred to Good debt and Bad debt. An example of good debt is a mortgage unless you cant afford to keep up with the repayments that is and a bad debt would be an expensive APR credit card maxed out with overspending on consumables or doodads often  referred to in Robert Kiyosaki Book Rich Dad Poor Dad  a great read by the way well recommended by me.
Reality Check Mine and Maybe yours
You are waking up every day dreading the day, dreading even going to work, you have a constant dry throat, you have feelings of guilt shame and general dread. You dread the phone ringing again because you know its another credit card company calling you up for a payment you have missed again with difficulty or in some cases no hope of finding. If the doorbell rings you need to know who it is in case its the bailiff calling un announced. Worse still although you have family around you you haven't told them whats going on maybe they sense something is wrong. Maybe you have be laid off from work lost your job watched your business collapse in front of you. To make yourself feel better you return to the debt spiral and take out the credit card and going shopping or maybe just log on to the www and start to add and fuel the problem. Deep down you know you need help you don't have the answers and you wonder is there any way out of this mess.
I know because I have been right there having covered up my debt problems from my wife
and family and worse still being in Financial Services i was supposed to know better.
August 2007 came along the new modern day  equivalent of the 1930s Crash, that's still hurting us all in 2012, its actually going to be longer and more painful for many people than the 1930s. Does the government have the answer? Are we on the right track?
How will this help you?
My Business Mortgage Advice collapsed, those wonderful banks that we had to bail out as taxpayers would not or were unable to lend any money. My customers who needed mortgages couldn't get them, I couldn't supply them  and I couldn't get paid and couldn't earn a living my world had imploded.
Rather than get help or advice or face up to my problems i chose to hide them and carry on as if nothing had happened yet it had the world of credit had changed overnight, the rules had changed i needed to change.
Eventually sat down by a friend and advised that i faced loosing everything i took immediate action. When he gave me a reality check i could lose my house i had to face my wife and explain why i had lost the money the 2  buy to let property  investments we had and how I was going to start all over again. When he told me i could lose my house i made a decision to know everything about debt and debt recovery i could and then i set to work. To date i proudly can say i have helped at least 4 families  faced with losing  their homes, by repossession by the Mortgage  lenders in court up against it  and without a solicitor, they couldn't afford one and I  had to do. it was a wonderful but challenging learning curve, for me and for them. For some it was the last week of their house being their home and the last week they had to get the wake up call, i refer to that something has gone drastically wrong. Its the old Ostrich principle of head in the sand it will go away,
Sorry it just wont. 
.In one case I  had just 6 days to stop a family being put out on the street for £6500 of mortgage arrears. By the way for all readers this is leafy Surrey we are talking about is this supposed to happen in 2012 in Surrey. Well frankly yes and to deny that in Surrey and any other County in England people are really struggling right now and looking  to themselves for answers, is an injustice.
So yes I am still in recovery getting free and well from my sick finances and making them well again even rebuilding my broken business so yes i feel very qualified to write this piece and help you out it can be done can be fixed can be mended.
The Beginning of Facing up to the Mountain
Facing up to whether you are over extended or whether its good or bad debt isn't really the problem its the guts to face up to the fact you have a problem you know it, haven't in the past faced up to it and the quicker you do accept and turnaround and make a decision to face up to it you will start to deal with it. in my experience we all leave it to late to talk about it talk about the guilt the shame the difficulty, its not cool and it leaves your street cred in tatters but it is the beginning of the face up to reality and the cry for help is the start of the healing process, so its necessary.People i have worked with like myself should have done this much earlier. The family i worked with in 6 days to file a court hearing and draw up a plan with  to  get to court to fight a warrant of repossession order left it to close to the wire for me and for them, even though we were successful it could have gone horribly wrong.
Facing up to it could be alone although it  doesn't have to be. I always recommend you sit down with your close relatives or a friend and admit you have a problem and if they are able to give you space and emotional support seek their counsel and get the help together. There is practical help at the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
The problem is you may  have to wait to see the right person, they are suffering cut backs which means in most places they are suffering over stretched resources and immediate help financial and emotional surgery is required on the spot, so as a stop gap or alternative solution i offer my own concept detailed below for immediate roadside assistance
  Although when I  started this, I worked with people only a few miles away  now finding my self dealing with people many miles away who cant easily meet with me or vice versa so i have built a product service called tool box recovery where I can start to help and work with people in debt distress from a distance. so if you are reading this and want help personally or know somebody who does then get in touch with me
I will be able to guide and connect you to all the right people, help and link a support network  to you whilst guiding you through some simple steps with some simple forms i use to quickly gather the full information required to get professional help right through to Insolvency experts and legal advice, despite having considerable experience i work with professionals who really care about people.
Help from a professional Financial Adviser also Licensed Debt Counsellor  so i have the right badges. But whats more important  is I actually  care and  understand the problem and how you feel, your not just another number or another source of a paycheck.
The personal help you may be looking for.
All information is treated in the strictest confidence
So if after reading this today you want to get help then leave a comment or get in touch with me today don't leave the problem any longer immediate help is available today right now.