The Suspended Possession Order
In confidence once gain I share of the miraculous happenings for a couple in Surrey I have been assisting to avoid losing their Home. Important point here is their Home not even their House, although yes of course it is actually their House. For over 2 years the family have struggled on trying to exist whilst they live with a Suspended Possession order hanging over them every Day. Let me just explain here this is a legal term for an order which empowers the Plaintiff, usually the lender to be able to force a warrant of Eviction on the Defendants without the need for a court hearing only the legal formality of issuing the eviction warrant for full Repossession usually set for 14 to 30 days from the date of issue depending on how busy the Bailiff is that week.
Living for 2 years with this threat, my Friends and clients were struggling to raise the necessary Mortgage payment to repay the lender and to come up with the additional arrears requirement since Mr G ran a success full Business in 2006 but like many was the victim of the Credit Crunch of August 2007 and the continuation of trying to manage cash flow in a Business where your customers are unwilling and more often unable to pay.
Now logically it absolutely makes sense to sell up your property while you can, consolidate your debts and move forward . Great on paper great advice, but still to rent a property as an alternative costs money and with the continuation of cutbacks and reduced or non existent benefits it seems that this is a close to impossible situation. So after nearly 2 years of this my clients faced the most wonderful of Christmas presents the end in sight and eviction warrant for early January 2012 served up prior to Christmas 2011 enough to ensure you choked on your Christmas Turkey, not that they could afford a Turkey this year.
Christmas Saved the Day
Well with the prospects of such a disaster in place to happen in January and the Eviction to the outside street on January 2012 as a Christian I was overwhelmed myself and I set about prayer and help from friends in the form of prayer, then I set about a course of action for the 1st Week of January 2012, to avoid the Eviction on the 2nd week of January 2012.
As for the couple concerned they also turned to prayer and Mr started to come to church, which was great news. Now the maths didn't work properly as is usual with my Recovery work you see i absolutely believe in working with logic and due legal processes and the Professionals but when they give up or advise its hopeless my job becomes harder, because I have to work beyond logic and what the numbers tell me and step in to the grey zone the Non black and White and find a way.
As it was with this case with a requirement for over £7000 to be paid in full under the breach of terms of the Suspended possession order of Mortgage Arrears and the client not having access to this money in the required timescale i needed to get a court hearing booked and did so for the 1st week of January 2012. From a recovery situation with a discussion with third party legal advisers i could at least get the right back to this couple to have the control and choice to sell their property that was all i could perhaps hope for and fight with them for and so i explained just that.
Now it had transpired as I advised that the family should approach and tell their immediate family the bad news and then try to get them to rally around them. I have found this is difficult because in general terms British people in trouble especially Financial don't want to talk about it less alone share it. My belief is that if you don't give people the chance to help you before the tragedy of losing your home it isn't much good being told after the event they could have helped if they had known that must be like the roof caving in for a 2nd time. So Christmas time actually was they key to this and it just stepped in. The delay meant the bailiffs couldnt come out until January despite the cunning lender seizing an early Christmas present and using Christmas time as a chance to end their long tested patience i will admit on a 2 year Suspended Posession order, but not going about it this way is where I beg to differ.
The Son had just returned from abroad on a Business Deal having £4,500 in cash just before Christams the father was unaware of, which was to save for a house deposit with his partner. The father Mr G spoke with the immediate family including the son and agreed to borrow the £4,500 temporarily, meaning their would be something constructive to talk about at the awaited court hearing and something to encourage the Lender to call of the eviction warrant.
Going to Court on a Wing and a Prayer
I arranged for a meeting with the Son oversaw the transfer of money to the Lender and approached the Lender to explain with a week to go until the eviction on £7000 we would need to get the eviction warrant for repossession lifted. They insisted they wanted £5,000 which meant Mr G was still no nearer to getting the eviction warrant lifted and the Lender was at an additional stressful time seeking to impose additional restrictions and requirements against Mr and Mrs G. So for the sake of the court hearing and £ 45 cost we set about applying for the court hearing. I had to make a further call just before we took the decision with Mr and Mrs G to speak with the lender when we had arranged to have £5000 in total available with the further imposition of arranging the transfer of the money. Upon this phone call the lender decided they had made a mistake and we would need now £6,200 to be less than 2 months in arrears a technical breach of arrears.
In one of the most difficult meetings i have ever encountered as i was ill with severe toothache and pains in my face having just got over very bad flu, we set about the decisions to be made against a seemingly unhelpful and confused lender. I explained that Mr G not in the position of being flush with cash would be unable to seek legal advice or get a solicitor in the time scales but be assured I would ask seek and get a court hearing for them in 3 days , to ask for a kind and friendly Judge to see the reasons for not putting this couple on the streets of leafy Surrey.
Christmas had once again saved the day over the Christmas period Mr G had become a a regular at Church and although people around him were very un aware of the plights around the corner for them, people knew who he was and his enthusiasm to help and serve as a new church member
So it was a fateful Monday I took the decision to go ahead with an application for a court hearing on a wing and a prayer in excruciating pain to my face and Teeth , I made the half hour journey to the Court House, only to be told with the cutbacks the court wast shut as it was afternoon and we were their 1 hour to late.
In desperation and in so much pain I looked up in the air to the ceiling and in my head shouted to God do something I am desperate and tired and fed up and scared for my friends.
And guess what he was actually listening . Right their in the entrance to the court a security guard with a heart of golf heard and felt the plight and somehow got a message to an Angel of a lady who approached us both and asked what the problem was. I was now in so much pain i couldn't even think straight less alone apply for the usual court hearing i am now used to doing. She took note of the facts told us both we where absolutely doing the right thing and even asked when exactly would we like the hearing wow.. Yes she actually put the slot together first thing Thursday morning 3 days later exactly the optimum to give as the fairest chance of being heard and having proved we had done our best. But wasn't all when God foes to work its like a tidal wave my friend and fellow Christian phoned and said to me you aren't going to believe this i said try me..
People around the community thorough the church had got wind of Mr and Mrs G s plight
and there was in operation pledge and money transfer of up to £2000 when did we need it.
Then the phone rang for Mr G it was news he had been awaiting for over 6 months a big piece of work was going to go ahead he was elated and relieved I was gobsmacked and my pain in my teeth and face was abating.
The miraculous had occured. On Wednesday night at 4.30pm we finally got the lender to agree and accept £5000 cleared funds I authorised a transfer from pledged funds of £900 to make the £6200 figure to be met for safety and proceeded to walk into Court on the Thursday to collect the court order to remove the warrant as experience sadly has taught me not to trust what people say get hard evidence.
There is a glimmer of light at the end of the Tunnel this is absolutely true and is still ongoing .
God willing this will be a real story of Miracles to a very desperate situation i am amazed myself by what i have seen and to God be the Glory.
If you wish to post a comment go ahead if you are in Financial Difficulties and want help advice guidance then please do get in touch
I am a trained Financial adviser, 25 years of expereince not Lawyer I seek to work with professionals but my faith calls me on ocassions beyond what the logic and numbers say to us and I will seek to help save a family from losing their home as my other cases clients can testify. I trust God to get paid for my time but will professionally seek to monetairse where I can.
Help is always available don't leave it to late get help...
Paul Stacey
Mobile 07710-854040
e mail
In confidence once gain I share of the miraculous happenings for a couple in Surrey I have been assisting to avoid losing their Home. Important point here is their Home not even their House, although yes of course it is actually their House. For over 2 years the family have struggled on trying to exist whilst they live with a Suspended Possession order hanging over them every Day. Let me just explain here this is a legal term for an order which empowers the Plaintiff, usually the lender to be able to force a warrant of Eviction on the Defendants without the need for a court hearing only the legal formality of issuing the eviction warrant for full Repossession usually set for 14 to 30 days from the date of issue depending on how busy the Bailiff is that week.
Living for 2 years with this threat, my Friends and clients were struggling to raise the necessary Mortgage payment to repay the lender and to come up with the additional arrears requirement since Mr G ran a success full Business in 2006 but like many was the victim of the Credit Crunch of August 2007 and the continuation of trying to manage cash flow in a Business where your customers are unwilling and more often unable to pay.
Now logically it absolutely makes sense to sell up your property while you can, consolidate your debts and move forward . Great on paper great advice, but still to rent a property as an alternative costs money and with the continuation of cutbacks and reduced or non existent benefits it seems that this is a close to impossible situation. So after nearly 2 years of this my clients faced the most wonderful of Christmas presents the end in sight and eviction warrant for early January 2012 served up prior to Christmas 2011 enough to ensure you choked on your Christmas Turkey, not that they could afford a Turkey this year.
Christmas Saved the Day
Well with the prospects of such a disaster in place to happen in January and the Eviction to the outside street on January 2012 as a Christian I was overwhelmed myself and I set about prayer and help from friends in the form of prayer, then I set about a course of action for the 1st Week of January 2012, to avoid the Eviction on the 2nd week of January 2012.
As for the couple concerned they also turned to prayer and Mr started to come to church, which was great news. Now the maths didn't work properly as is usual with my Recovery work you see i absolutely believe in working with logic and due legal processes and the Professionals but when they give up or advise its hopeless my job becomes harder, because I have to work beyond logic and what the numbers tell me and step in to the grey zone the Non black and White and find a way.
As it was with this case with a requirement for over £7000 to be paid in full under the breach of terms of the Suspended possession order of Mortgage Arrears and the client not having access to this money in the required timescale i needed to get a court hearing booked and did so for the 1st week of January 2012. From a recovery situation with a discussion with third party legal advisers i could at least get the right back to this couple to have the control and choice to sell their property that was all i could perhaps hope for and fight with them for and so i explained just that.
Now it had transpired as I advised that the family should approach and tell their immediate family the bad news and then try to get them to rally around them. I have found this is difficult because in general terms British people in trouble especially Financial don't want to talk about it less alone share it. My belief is that if you don't give people the chance to help you before the tragedy of losing your home it isn't much good being told after the event they could have helped if they had known that must be like the roof caving in for a 2nd time. So Christmas time actually was they key to this and it just stepped in. The delay meant the bailiffs couldnt come out until January despite the cunning lender seizing an early Christmas present and using Christmas time as a chance to end their long tested patience i will admit on a 2 year Suspended Posession order, but not going about it this way is where I beg to differ.
The Son had just returned from abroad on a Business Deal having £4,500 in cash just before Christams the father was unaware of, which was to save for a house deposit with his partner. The father Mr G spoke with the immediate family including the son and agreed to borrow the £4,500 temporarily, meaning their would be something constructive to talk about at the awaited court hearing and something to encourage the Lender to call of the eviction warrant.
Going to Court on a Wing and a Prayer
I arranged for a meeting with the Son oversaw the transfer of money to the Lender and approached the Lender to explain with a week to go until the eviction on £7000 we would need to get the eviction warrant for repossession lifted. They insisted they wanted £5,000 which meant Mr G was still no nearer to getting the eviction warrant lifted and the Lender was at an additional stressful time seeking to impose additional restrictions and requirements against Mr and Mrs G. So for the sake of the court hearing and £ 45 cost we set about applying for the court hearing. I had to make a further call just before we took the decision with Mr and Mrs G to speak with the lender when we had arranged to have £5000 in total available with the further imposition of arranging the transfer of the money. Upon this phone call the lender decided they had made a mistake and we would need now £6,200 to be less than 2 months in arrears a technical breach of arrears.
In one of the most difficult meetings i have ever encountered as i was ill with severe toothache and pains in my face having just got over very bad flu, we set about the decisions to be made against a seemingly unhelpful and confused lender. I explained that Mr G not in the position of being flush with cash would be unable to seek legal advice or get a solicitor in the time scales but be assured I would ask seek and get a court hearing for them in 3 days , to ask for a kind and friendly Judge to see the reasons for not putting this couple on the streets of leafy Surrey.
Christmas had once again saved the day over the Christmas period Mr G had become a a regular at Church and although people around him were very un aware of the plights around the corner for them, people knew who he was and his enthusiasm to help and serve as a new church member
So it was a fateful Monday I took the decision to go ahead with an application for a court hearing on a wing and a prayer in excruciating pain to my face and Teeth , I made the half hour journey to the Court House, only to be told with the cutbacks the court wast shut as it was afternoon and we were their 1 hour to late.
In desperation and in so much pain I looked up in the air to the ceiling and in my head shouted to God do something I am desperate and tired and fed up and scared for my friends.
And guess what he was actually listening . Right their in the entrance to the court a security guard with a heart of golf heard and felt the plight and somehow got a message to an Angel of a lady who approached us both and asked what the problem was. I was now in so much pain i couldn't even think straight less alone apply for the usual court hearing i am now used to doing. She took note of the facts told us both we where absolutely doing the right thing and even asked when exactly would we like the hearing wow.. Yes she actually put the slot together first thing Thursday morning 3 days later exactly the optimum to give as the fairest chance of being heard and having proved we had done our best. But wasn't all when God foes to work its like a tidal wave my friend and fellow Christian phoned and said to me you aren't going to believe this i said try me..
People around the community thorough the church had got wind of Mr and Mrs G s plight
and there was in operation pledge and money transfer of up to £2000 when did we need it.
Then the phone rang for Mr G it was news he had been awaiting for over 6 months a big piece of work was going to go ahead he was elated and relieved I was gobsmacked and my pain in my teeth and face was abating.
The miraculous had occured. On Wednesday night at 4.30pm we finally got the lender to agree and accept £5000 cleared funds I authorised a transfer from pledged funds of £900 to make the £6200 figure to be met for safety and proceeded to walk into Court on the Thursday to collect the court order to remove the warrant as experience sadly has taught me not to trust what people say get hard evidence.
There is a glimmer of light at the end of the Tunnel this is absolutely true and is still ongoing .
God willing this will be a real story of Miracles to a very desperate situation i am amazed myself by what i have seen and to God be the Glory.
If you wish to post a comment go ahead if you are in Financial Difficulties and want help advice guidance then please do get in touch
I am a trained Financial adviser, 25 years of expereince not Lawyer I seek to work with professionals but my faith calls me on ocassions beyond what the logic and numbers say to us and I will seek to help save a family from losing their home as my other cases clients can testify. I trust God to get paid for my time but will professionally seek to monetairse where I can.
Help is always available don't leave it to late get help...
Paul Stacey
Mobile 07710-854040
e mail