Thursday 26 May 2011

The 3RS in Action

What are the 3RS  what does it mean to you?

For me its my approach to recovery that is assisting people and small businesses to change direction improve their situation, grow and climb out of financial distress and make profits gain, climb out of mortgage arrears , credit card debt.

So what are the 3RS

Resolve to plan a way forward.

Repair the existing damage

Right Path Track
The right  path  going forwards

Planning is essential, to fail to plan is to plan to fail and is often the reason the individual familiy or business finds themselves dealing with insolvency, cashflow problems and mortgage and loan arrears.
A simple plan is the way  to guide and navigate our way through difficult obstacles, like a compass, its telling us which direction to go how far and by how much.

 Repairing the damage done is part and parcel of the planning, negotiating settling , making arrangements is all part of facing up to responseability and taking action. The worst situations can be dealt with and a way out can be found.

 Right Path this is when the first two are working and its clear the direction that you are taking is making a difference resolving the issues and showing you a way forward.
You then feel confident you have a plan thats flexible you are managing thats being on top of your situation

For more imformation or help then please come to me for help assistance
contact Paul Stacey Pricipal of Green Shoots of Recovery
E mail

Tel 01306 881399
For Free Consultation

For advice and help in constucting a 2nd Income then please go to

A Real live Case, Real Couple in Debt Distress Facing Reposession soon in Modern day Britain in leafy Surrey Day 1

Day by Day Account of a real distressed Surrey Family receiving help from The Green Shoots of Recovery, but facing the reality that time is running out and homelessness is the reality and price for failure at this stage.

Okay to protect the identity of this Surrey Family I will call them Mr and Mrs , only
The bottom line issue, is Mortgage Arrears and facing Eviction Reposession for Mortgage Arrears of over  £6,000.

As a first step in using my 3RS approach,

Right Track forward.

I have met up with Mr, at his home Mrs is still yet to be told of the problem,the family is facing I  have therefore suggested that Mr, tells Mrs, the whole story the bad news as part of the healing process and stopping the aftermath of the blame game whoose fault is it???

The diagnosis and the interogation isnt going to get hold of the problem or the solution for that matter. I know to have any chance to help them I  have to get them on board with me fully engaged quickly as I  need them to give this problem 110% effort to avert the current course of homelessness...
So I quickly explain as a Christian I  feel the need to pray for wisdom and guidance to help this situation right now and Mr accepts and listens

I pray with Mr, today for wisdom, then I go to work first the lender who is frankly very un helpfull in the first instance and therefore needs me to call the solicitors to discuss the eviction order awaiting my clients.They agree to speak to the lender and promise to come back to me with the relevant information, the basic mathematics how much is owed in total why the heavy handed approach and so forth. They are receptive and helpfull and co operative but like most solicitors sadly lacking in the follow up they forget to phone back. However perhaps I can forgive them within 15 minutes a call comes  back from a more senior and helpfull gentleman from the Mortgage Lender.
On behalf and speaking for the client I  advise that I  am a qualified Mortgage Broker for my sins but also  recovery expert, here to help the client and lender reach agreement and we seek to negotiate a settlement for half an hour on the phone.
One hour later we have arrived at a proposal for a £1500 payment lump sum against the £6000 plus arrears and a payment of the current mortgage in July 2011. This is progress believe me my client is in my opinion  at his  tougest point, right now its his toughest ever eveing assignment for homework.
Here is why

1 He is advised by me to tell his wife the bad news to be honest.
2 He has to seek family friends help begging letters etc to get his  £1500  lump sum together.
This is because it gives friends family chance to help, say no if they have to but at least if he lost his house he can look them in the eye in the future knowing he had faced up to his situation and given his freinds the chance to assist and not having a conversation in a pub with one of his mates saying I would have lent you  £100  if only you had told me.

Despite the lender wanting and saying they would help assist they still want to hold the eviction action in place through the solicitors and so in response, we advise just in case like them we will hold onto the security of a court hearing court hearing to try to stop the eviction going ahead as a finalback up plan.Two  Hours  later I  am pleased with the small progress and the honesty of the situation and my customer says he feels a bit better slightly, lighter thats great news these  are his darkest  days he will see that shortly prayfully. Tonight will be his tougest and by getting him to face and deal with the small issues underguidance he will restore his confidence in his ability to reach a resolution and conclusion and regain the intiative
Most importantly as there is over £100,000 of potential equity in the property very important the family retains total control of future potential sale of the property not a third party.
When Mr goes to sleep eventually tonight he can know help will be available to him
This is paramount and key in this situation knowing you are not alone....
 If you are facing difficult Financial decisions and potential loss of Home Car, dont delay get immediate help .

The Green Shoots of Recovery

 Day 2     Got to get a Court Hearing
Tomorrow  is going to be a court visit lodging a £40  form to seek a hearing in front of a judge  back up plan whilst the lender holds theirs in place only fair really.
Okay here we are day 2 a visit to the court and a £40 fee, inflation its just increased form £35, has just been paid an a court hearing has been arranged a safety net to couneract the lenders reluctance to life an eviction order. As for telling his wife Mr still has to tell Mrs the bad news. To help out i have asked one of my current clients who has just gone through this stage having to ask over 17 people in order to raise £5,500 around the world and suceeding in his task to call Mr and offer some words and comfort and empathy as he is still in this situation of potentially loosing his house
For me the idea that Green shoots could actually provide a self help mentoring type arrangememt, where real people in distress can help assist and advise other  real people in distress is just starting to become apparent.
This is really exciting and is convincing me whats lacking in Britain is a mentoring self help mechanism for people in this situation, where people who relate to each others distress can exchange ideas help but the stronger life and help the weaker.
Having someone facing the same as you who is facing it dealing with it and gradually helping to lift up his fellow man is fantastic....
So help me, keep watching, keep hoping and praying for this family I  am even more determined to get a positive outcome for this family.
If you are in debt distress maybe you are not in a position of losing your house or car but have real debt problems then e mail me

With  a financial services company and debt advisory and consultancy business I personally will be able to get you immedetiately the help and advice you are seeking.
 Telephone 01306 881399, or mobile 07710-854040 ask for Paul

 Day 3
Yesterday I successfully arranged for one of my Clients who has just been to court with me having found a condiserable sum of money in time to avert eviction and reposession to mentor my friend Mr in similar distress. They began a conversation yesterday and although they live 4 miles from  each other I  know I have done the right thing, allowing  each the choice to talk to each other and yet they can both help each other, this is the mentoring idea in action. Because of Data Protection and the need not to discuss confidential personal information they are free to discuss their respective case histories with each other my Green Shoots involvments and free to individually come back to me for ongoing help, advice etc.
This programme I now intend to role out across Surrey in the coming weeks
We are stifled with bureaucracy in this country, to the point we could be restricting people from getting quick help proper help fast....

Day 4
A conversation with the lender today in preparation for a court Hearing this week organised by myself as a safety  net and vack up plan if necessary to ask for the courts help in obtaining more time. My client owes more than £6000 in arrears payments on their Mortgage, i have managed to secure a deal for the client to have to find £1500 continue from July with their normal mortgage payment and £200 extra on the £800pcm mortgage payment. Thats a tall order when you have to figure out where to get £1500. I then seek about mentioning to my local church home group the clients basic need for prayer only disclose no personal information other than the first intial of their name and they receive no less than 10 people praying for help.

So we await and see the progess...
Client has finally told his wife now just as well as party to the mortgage the court hearing papers have arrived. My advice to anyone in this situation is part of the process of dealing with the overwhelming problem is to figure out what part is holding you back from facing your fear head on and dealing with it. I pressed my client  for 2 days to say you must tell your wife the truth, the reality even if she cant deal with it right now and then get back to focusing with me 110% on the solution to the  problem.
A call later, tells me my client has now raised over £700 in cash against the £1500 required, so it looks like we are making steady progress and I  am resolved that these good people are not going to lose their Home when I   am on watch.
This has been my clients darkest hour but with a combination of work, payments up front from their Business Clients and admitting where your at,  asking family and relatives for help, i.e money on loan gifts of money etc, which isnt easy to face, my client is getting back control of the situation and feeling empowered again. This is vital to restoring shattered confidence and not feeling isolated and has put them back into the fight to keep control  of their property.
Please   feel  free to comment.

If you need help please ask
or Telephone   Paul Stacey 07710-854040 Day 6 

3 Hours of discussions amd proposals with Client Mr and Myslef numerous phone calls to the Lender and solicitor we arrive at a resolution for the client to have to find £1500 lump sum prior to the eviction next week and the Mortgage monthly payment plus £150 towards the arrears
On the previous days of asking begging and working my client has arranged £900, payement to the Lender today  and banked a cheque for £500. The next day we have a Court Hearing Booked.

 Day 7

Success at last and a real result.
I attended the Court Hearing this morning which i instiagted on behalf of my client as the Lender was unwilling to remove the Eviction Warrant and therefore allowing the Bailiffs free rain to come and put my family on the streets of leafy Surrey.

Common Sense  prevailed and we today got the Eviction Warrant lifted so that when the final money is paid next week my Client can catch up and get a good nights sleep.
I thank the fact we do have judges with common sense, but not enough. Still my client is elated and we go for a cup of Tea.

The satisfaction I feel is immense thIS was a worthwhile morning
Looking back this is remarkable we have saved Eviction in under a week as I only met up and started this project 1 week ago.

If you want real help and fast then  call me
Paul Stacey
Green Shoots of Recovery
Tel 01306 881399
Mobile 07710-854040

If you

Success Stories In Action

 The Mentoring Idea

This page will be devoted to the success no matter how small, of famllies, individuals and small businesses being helped on the road to recovery.

 Until they are saftely through the mire so to speak, I will obviously not release any personal details, also because of  confidetiality and Data Protection. Although  beginning a mentoring programme to put families facing the same financial prediciments as each other, in touch with each other, where both parties are willing to talk and discuss their personal situations as these make the best Mentors in Life than often professionals who dont hav esaam empathy or understanding.

This Page therefore will serve to help and re enforce the need to seek Recovery in Action and to give hope that there is real and genuine help out there today.My operation is based in Surrey Dorking but if you are outside this area and still need help, please do get in touch with me today

Paul Stacey
The Green Shoots of Recovery
Tel 01306 881399
Mobile 07710-854040

Thursday 19 May 2011

The Big Society In Action but not in the local Council

The Big Society in Action
On the theme of recovering people, I have another case of debt distress involving Council Tax with the local authority and the Bailiffs with whom the local council have every confidence unfortunately I don’t share their enthusiasm and rightly so.
My customer complained that the said Bailiffs used by the council to recover council tax arrears where operating a rather shoddy practice of not turning up when agreed and my client was losing income taking time off from work.
In a discussion with my local council Recovery Department, I put this point to them only to be told they were very good no real problems with them after relaying the above information to the official.
Then I  pointed out that the bill, red letter from the bailiffs, demand for payment didn’t have an adequate breakdown of the total figure, so we couldn’t establish if this was correct or not. Again it was pointed out the excellent bailiffs, had delivered good service to the council, it struck me that perhaps with their Rose tinted specs, they didn’t want to hear the bad critical news I  had to offer for my client to them.

Then I explained the breakdown didn’t allow the  customer to check the amount of the demand payment and couldn’t ascertain it was correct, surprise again that I should even think it to be wrong
After a few minutes deliberation council official rings Bailiffs office to find bill for £500 is only overstated by £200, the same efficient careful considerate Bailiffs in question i had dared to question were not as good as the Council would like to believe and perhaps my clients points were valid.

My point is are these players in David Cameron’s Big Society, just spectators,  rather do they suffer from the delusion of their own genius and value that allows their Ceo to collect a salary of at least twice the Prime Ministers. Perhaps David Cameron would be advised to take a good look at our local Councils value propositions for tax payers and efficiencies and general flexibility to learn from admit  mistakes willingness and ability to correct and put things right, especially when it involves sorting out inefficient third party suppliers. They need  to scrap the need to hide behind bureaucracy and that’s the way we have always done it that’s the people we have always used. It seems to cloud one’s ability to listen and to see the obvious.

Please comment

Have you had difficulties with Council Tax arrears por service ?
If you want help with Financial Distress  or Debt Problems give me a try
Qualified Adviser Director of Financial Services Company PAS Financial and Mortgage Solutions Ltd
Author Creator of the-green -shoots -of-recovery  New 21st Century  Recovery Concepts
Telephone 01306 881399, mobile 07710-854040